Friday, August 26, 2011

HMS Football Tryouts

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Figures that Murph's first year at HMS would be the year that all the cheap voters came out and voted against the tax hike to support our schools.  For basically $250 a year each household could help Keller ISD continue to fund all the things it has been funding - instead, they voted it down and bus service, some administrative support staff and C athletics have been cut - I am sure there are more things, but that's what I'm mad about!!!

So, 150 boys + are trying out for the 7th grade A and B Football teams...probably 60ish spots.  So, just like in past years, the 7th grade boys who want to try out, show up at 6:15am to 'practice' and be evaluated by the coaches.  What is different this year, is by next Friday, some of the boys will make the team and some will be cut.  Murph has been doing some conditioning this summer, but he got a little lax in August - hope it won't hurt him at the tryouts.  He did not get the super-dooper growth spurt that some of his peers got...I am sure it will come right AFTER I buy him all new sneakers and jeans...I'm trying to hold off, but it's just my kind of luck!  Anyway, practices/try outs started on Tuesday and he is hanging tough.  On Wednesday, some kids left the locker room trashed and they got 100 up/downs.  Then a couple of kids quit or challenged the coaches and they got 80 more and those 2 boys got cut...anyway, Murph had to do 180 up/downs and even though he said he threw up about 2/3 of the way through, he moved over a little bit and finished!  So proud of him.  Probably couldn't have watched it - that kind of thing would make this mom nuts, but I can totally listen to the story and be proud of him!!! 

Now it's day 3 and he's still poppin' out of bed on his own, with his own alarm, his bag is packed and ready from the night before and we have a routine that gets him there at 6:12ish and gets me to work before traffic gets bad!  I feel like I'm leaving my heart at Hillwood every time I drive away - cuz it's not cool for your mom to wait and make sure you get in....moms just have to drive away with you in line at the door with 100+ other boys in 'blues'....I hope he makes the team - I know he wants it - and I know whatever happens it will be for a reason (regardless of how long it takes us to figure out what that reason might be!)  Saturday is their first practice with pads - and real hits...eeek!  So proud of my boy....

Out the door at 6:08am!  I wish you could've seen the look on his face when we walked out the first day...."Mom?!  The sun's not even up yet!"  :-)

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