Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

I know the kids don't believe in the Easter bunny anymore, but they still like the candy and the annual egg hunt.  And I don't mind at all now that I can get them to help me shop for candy and get the eggs filled.  I still do the hiding and this year, I still went out in the very early morning to hide the eggs, but only because I happened to wake up, not because I had to set an alarm and go on this Easter Bunny stealth mission!

We still have the tradition of hiding one egg in each kids' underwear drawer and one in one of their shoes.  They did pretty good - there were 2 that didn't get found until after Easter was over.  One the next day and one 3 days later! 

 Before the hunt - Easter baskets with the big bunnies and all the other stuff that can't be outside over night if it rains

 Breaking one of the ASDA confetti eggs over Daddy's head ... Peyton's favorite part of the morning!

 Sophie was not as fond of her confetti egg...especially when she discovered that she couldn't eat it!

 On the hunt...even at their age - it's still a competition!

 Murph finds the stuff up high...

 ...and Peyton finds the stuff down low!

Checking out the final haul!

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