My favorite day of the year...
My best helper at Central Market...weighing herbs, I think - she is the master of the scale!
5:15am - Ready to volunteer at the Turkey Trot...chilly this year, but NOTHING like last year. Got our Starbucks, said hi to everyone, waiting for instructions from Butler
Still waiting....folks know they should come early - so they find a place to park, get a shirt in the size they want, get a good place at the start, have a snack, use the portapotty before the line gets insane...but they don't...we stand and wait and then we get our behinds kicked for the last 45 minutes or so...same every year, but it's a tradition!
5 minutes into the drive home...Murph was the first one out
9:45am - in the driveway...both of them, out for the count!!!
2:30pm - the feast is ready...pretty good looking turkey this year...and cooked all the way through at the time it needed to be cooked all the way through! I watched the Ask Food Network Thanksgiving Live at least 3 times!!!
Believe it or not - Keaton has become the king of homemade whipped cream! It's his specialty!
Checking out the Black Friday ads in the newspaper ... as if I would dream of going out in that mess...although, it appears that Peyton and I may end up in the Lisa, Gigi, Theresa caravan next year... I think she is ready and I can do anything as long as it's a mother-daughter thing!
Peyton's special touch for the holiday - we all had nametags that she made herself... she is good a special touches!
Happy Thanksgiving
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