My Kids...Random pix from the fall...
Peyton getting out of the car off to school...bright eyed and ready for a good day!
The first of many fabulous tights, skirts & boots outfits...she's got style!
My world
Nonsense! as usual!
Breakfast at the Bluebonnet the Coca-Cola room...doesn't Peyton look smashing in
Patrick's sweatjacket? Just her size!
Dancing with her Daddy in the parking lot!
JCPenney's dressing room posing...went for more tights, ended up buying outfits to go with the tights!
Virtual shopping for you like this one???
...or this one???
Big moment...first BITE since the accident! healing right on schedule...
SEE? an outfit to go with the tights...pretty cute, huh?
A much-needed trip to Fuzzy's ... the cure for a stressful day!
Puffy coat, silly girl
Helping Daddy with the his Turkey Trot volunteer shirt! My boy!
Random stop at the pie shop in Roanoke...Murph opted for rock candy sticks instead of I went with the coconut cream...and it was a very good choice!
The official sign that it's Thanksgiving at my house...Sarah Molton's iced pumpkin cookies... I adore this time of year! (and these cookies!)
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