Sunday, September 4, 2011

3-Day Weekend Saturday

Saturday, September 3

Today is the best kind of Saturday - the one that starts a 3-day weekend - and we made the most of it.  I got up early, spent a rockstar hour on the elliptical, watered the front lawn (we are on water restrictions and Wednesdays and Saturdays are our days to water).  Grabbed a quick shower, got everyone dressed by 8:00....whew! 

Keaton had baseball practice, so Peyton and I headed to Starbucks for a way-overdue girls coffee chat.  We got the comfy chairs, we didn't take work or books or video games - just mom and daughter talking.  It was wonderful.  We stayed about an hour and then headed home to accomplish some Saturday things before the boys got home from practice.

I cleaned the entire downstairs with a really needed it, but it feels so good to not glance over under a chair or behind the tv or in the newspaper basket and see dust, a random sock or a pile of recycling.  I find solice in tidy!  The bathroom got a good scrubbing too...the on-your-knees-behind-the-potty kind of scrubbing I tend to want to avoid!

Sophie hates the vacuum, so she stayed out of the picture for the most part.  Peyton is always willing to help, so she tacked the outside watering - all the backyard flowers and trees...

 She watered not just until one drip came out the bottom, but until they had a 'really good drink and just couldn't drink anymore'!

Peyton is very serious in her work - if she's going to do it, she wants to do it right...give a girl a Grande Decaff Cafe Vanilla Frappacino with one raw sugar in, double blended with whip and she'll do anything!

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