Saturday, August 27
Big sports day today for Keaton - football practice in the morning, then the first meeting and uniform fittings for his new baseball team right after. He was feeling like a rock star when he woke up...and then...
They had the guys in 2 teams later in the day running offense/defense running back drills. It was pretty clear that the line closest to us was the "chosen" group. Murph made a couple of great defensive tackles, but was less-than-impressive on he stayed in the back line throughout practice.
Then they took the players to the back corner of the field to give them a pep talk (or whatever) and then they started the "Serpentine Drill" was football torture, a let's-see-what-you-got drill that was almost hard to watch! Started at the goal line - ran it, up/down, ran to the 5, up/down, ran the 5, up/down, ran to the 10, up/down....all the way to the 50, then they "just" had to run the lines to the other goal line. I am sure I embarrased my son, but I was cheering him on - I knew he could do it, even if it didn't feel like he could and I knew he would regret giving up. He was awesome! I think the coaches noticed.
Sunday, August 28
As if yesterday weren't enough sporting activity for this family - today was Murph's first baseball practice and true to this Texas summer - it was brutally hot!
But you know Patrick and Keaton - if there is baseball involved - heat? what heat? besides, Murph had his new practice uniform and that trumps everything else!
My new Dallas Patriot in his practice duds!
Sounds like they had a good practice - Patrick said it was miserably hot, but I knew that! Peyton and I went to the pool. We took Gracie so Peyton had someone to do her synchronized swimming/gymnastics routines with and I could get one last day of sun. I felt like I was truly on vacation. I didn't have to pick mom up today - I knew I needed a break, so I went to see her Saturday morning and got her all set up for Sunday. It was exactly what I needed. The girls and I stayed at the pool until 2:00, we dropped Gracie off on our way home and Peyton and I got to be lazy the rest of the day!
Monday, August 29
Got an e-mail from the Patriot's team mom and the roster for the new Fort Worth club has been posted on their website...
always good to see your name in print...
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