The first weekend of coldish weather usually means fall baseball is coming to a close...sunscreen and the mister move out of the baseball bag to make room for cozy blankets and gloves. We still pack a cooler of cold drinks...because I've never been so cold that I didn't want a Coke Zero and Keaton didn't want a Gatorade at the baseball field!
The end of the season is always a bit weird...I mean, I've just spent the better part of 10 weeks with these families and there is a good chance we may never see them again. I don't love that. I like consistency, I like having the same people in my lives, I like not having to learn a whole new set of names (and numbers for the boys) every fall and spring. Oh well, 10 weeks really isn't time enough to get too close to anyone, so although I will miss the routine of it, I doubt I will lose any sleep over it!

It was a weird tournament - lots of teams getting disqualified...the last tournie always means you have to play subs...and that can be tricky depending on the tournament officials, rules, websites, paperwork, etc. We did get to play Keaton's old team, formerly the Barons, now the Tarrant County Bulldogs. We beat them - thank goodness! Keaton got a couple of great hits, which means everything to him. He loves to play first base, but he walks on air when he's up to bat. I truly can't remember anything else about the tournament because during the game against the Bulldogs a foul tip came from the opposite field and hit Keaton on the head...dropped him to his knees...scared us to death. Luckily, one of our moms is a nurse, checked him out, someone got ice, lots of us prayed, I didn't embarrass him or cry or swear (yay!) and he was okay. Bless his heart...once the dust had settled and it was time for them to go back out on the field, he grabbed his hat and headed for first. Coach made him sit, but I was so proud of him. He ended up batting - I think he walked, but who knows - it was all a daze. and then he did go back out and play first. WOW! I still think of him as my fragile baby...and when we got home, he was my baby, but at the game - he was rock solid. I did ask Miranda, one of mom's nurses for advice and she gave me one of the light pointers to check his pupils every two hours...I rarely can sleep, but give me a night when I have to set my alarm for every 2 hours and I'm sleeping like a baby! Figures! Long story, but in the end - the Patriots took 2nd place.

Murph and Alex with their trophies
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