The word of the day is accomplished! The upstairs bathroom has a tile floor - it looks great so far - Patrick is going to grout it tomorrow.
This is the floor after Patrick pulled up the vinyl and the toilet and the baseboards...
This is John Michael, annoyed that I am taking his picture...he was our tile yoda
This is Patrick snipping tiles to go around things - cabinets, potty, door frame
This is the near-finished product - pretty impressive, huh?
And if tiling a bathroom on a Saturday wasn't enough - we now have all our baseboards in the downstairs back up. They are still cracked, but JMC is coming to be "Caulk Yoda" on Monday..."Caulk Yoda" and "Threshold Yoda" if all goes well. Patrick pulled all the pieces out of the garage, found their places, matched them up, screwed them into the wall and now we (we...isn't that funny???) have to do some kind of caulking to fill in the breaks and cover the screws and make them all look perfect and then sand them and probably repaint them.
This is Patrick taping off a place to do some wood caulking to fill a gap...this is so exciting!
I hit the bank and got mom's Texas checking account set up finally - nicest. banker. EVER! We also managed to go to lunch as a family, go to look for towel bars for the bathrooms to replace the ugly shiny silver ones, buy me some new shoes (plus a pair of Nike flips on clearance...SCORE!), play some Webkins, Keaton did his running, I got some sun, we all took a nap and the kids decided to see what it was like to be Sophie...
She really is the most agreeable dog...didn't seem to mind sharing her room, even in such tight quarters!
Peyton wasn't as anxious as KMan to get out...she just snuggled in for a little nap!
Looks like napping reached epidemic proportions today for the kids...this is driving back from Garden Ridge and DSW...they find shopping at stores where they aren't getting anything to be exhausting!!!
Earlier this morning I made tomato jam - I'd seen it on DDD and it intrigued me. This guy used it on his BLTs and you know I adore a BLT. It had to simmer for 3 hours, but it was worth it. BLTs (3 separate versions, since I am the only tomato lover in my family!) for dinner tonight as a family at the kitchen of my great joys! and then for the grand finale...Cupcakes! I hit the cupcake shop in Keller right after the bank, to redeem my Groupon before it expired - 4 chocolate vanillas, 1 toffee, 1 key lime and 1 the family "cupcake war", the toffee was the winner in the formal judging - 3 of 4 votes...a landslide! The chocolate vanilla was clearly the best (that's why I bought 4!), so it really wasn't fair to put it in the judging. I choose the samoa, but the coconut put it right out of the running - Patrick picked his off, Peyton spit hers out, Murph made a face...I wanted to lick the plate! 1/4 of a fabulous cupcake is borderline cruelty! Thank goodness I had a whole choc/van all to myself. Not that I got to eat it all at once...Peyton had run to the bathroom before she ate her cupcake. The boys were well into theirs and I had taken my first bite and was bringing the second one to my mouth when she let out a scream - of terror! One of the tiny geckos had gotten into the bathroom and ran out while she was going to the bathroom - she jumped up on that seat - probably still peeing! I tried to run in a save her, but she screamed again - so of course, I screamed and ran and shouted at her "get out here! RUN!!!!" so she ran...her pants not quite where they should be when you leave the bathroom, but there was a lizard...a red one!!! Keaton fell down laughing! She couldn't stop laughing and just didn't know what to do - pants down, dripping a little, terrorized by a lizard and still having to finish going to the bathroom. Luckily, Patrick caught it and took it back outside...and he didn't nip off the end of his tail this time. All's well - we are cleaned up, the lizard is back in it's lizard home, the cupcakes were delightful, the dishes are done, no one is arguing, and my bed is calling to me.......
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