Monday, June 13, 2011

Life Lesson via Facebook post....

this has been a crazy weekend that bled into a crazy Monday...remember when sports was all about having fun and being a team???  anyway, Keaton's baseball team imploded on Sunday - I, glass half full Lisa, was totally unprepared - had my mind set that something else was going to happen - from now on I am asking Pam for a heads-up before I get my hair blown back again!  anyway, I love my son and I know my son loves baseball and I believe in the inherent goodness of others and the power of reason and it seemed reasonable and logical that we could come together and save the season for the boys....easier said than done!  I would rarely categorize myself as having predjudice, but I can honestly say I dispise bullies and people who think the rules don't apply to them.  too late for "long story short" BUT in an effort to be "right" and to "win" an adult tossed the best interest of our boys to the side and I was tempted to go straight to ugly... really deep down mama ugly ...and my second cousin (?) posted Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger" on Facebook and I ran across it while I was waiting for our parent meeting to start - what a blessing!  I could have done more harm than good without it... I was gentle..., I was honest, but I was gentle... and wasn't harsh even once!  I don't know if we can save our Barons because of one man's actions, but I am proud of how we as parents handled ourselves...who knew?  life lesson via facebook post!!!

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